Index: Articles Classes Hooks Quick navigation: BannerPattern BossBarColor BossBarDivisionType cArrowEntity cBeaconEntity cBedEntity cBlockArea cBlockEntity cBlockEntityWithItems cBlockInfo cBoat cBoundingBox cBrewingstandEntity cChatColor cChestEntity cChunkDesc cClientHandle cColor cCommandBlockEntity cCompositeChat cCraftingGrid cCraftingRecipe cCryptoHash cCuboid cDispenserEntity cDropperEntity cDropSpenserEntity cEnchantments cEnderCrystal cEntity cEntityEffect cExpBottleEntity cExpOrb cFallingBlock cFile cFireChargeEntity cFireworkEntity cFloater cFlowerPotEntity cFurnaceEntity cGhastFireballEntity cHangingEntity cHopperEntity cIniFile cInventory cItem cItemFrame cItemGrid cItems cJson cJukeboxEntity cLeashKnot cLineBlockTracer cLuaWindow cMap cMapManager cMobHeadEntity cMobSpawnerEntity cMojangAPI cMonster cNetwork cNoteEntity cObjective cPainting cPawn cPickup cPlayer cPlugin cPluginLua cPluginManager cProjectileEntity cRankManager cRoot cScoreboard cServer cServerHandle cSignEntity cSplashPotionEntity cStringCompression cTCPLink cTeam cThrownEggEntity cThrownEnderPearlEntity cThrownSnowballEntity cTNTEntity cUDPEndpoint cUrlClient cUrlParser CustomStatistic cUUID cWebAdmin cWindow cWitherSkullEntity cWorld EffectID HTTPFormData HTTPRequest HTTPTemplateRequest ItemCategory lxp SmokeDirection sqlite3 StatisticsManager TakeDamageInfo tolua Vector3d Vector3f Vector3i Globals | ContentscServer classThis class manages all the client connections internally. In the API layer, it allows to get and set the general properties of the server, such as the description and max players. It used to support broadcasting chat messages to all players, this functionality has been moved to cRoot:BroadcastChat(). Functions