Name | Value | Notes |
AnimalsBred |
33 |
The number of times the player bred two mobs. |
AviateOneCm |
34 |
The total distance travelled by elytra. |
BellRing |
35 |
The number of times the player has rung a bell. |
BoatOneCm |
36 |
The total distance travelled by boats. |
CleanArmor |
37 |
The number of dyed leather armors washed with a cauldron. |
CleanBanner |
38 |
The number of banner patterns washed with a cauldron. |
CleanShulkerBox |
39 |
The number of times the player has washed a Shulker Box with a cauldron. |
ClimbOneCm |
40 |
The total distance travelled up ladders or vines. |
CrouchOneCm |
41 |
The total distance walked while sneaking. |
DamageAbsorbed |
42 |
The amount of damage the player has absorbed in tenths of 1. |
DamageBlockedByShield |
43 |
The amount of damage the player has blocked with a shield in tenths of 1. |
DamageDealt |
44 |
The amount of damage the player has dealt in tenths 1. Includes only melee attacks. |
DamageDealtAbsorbed |
45 |
The amount of damage the player has dealt that was absorbed, in tenths of 1. |
DamageDealtResisted |
46 |
The amount of damage the player has dealt that was resisted, in tenths of 1. |
DamageResisted |
47 |
The amount of damage the player has resisted in tenths of 1. |
DamageTaken |
48 |
The amount of damage the player has taken in tenths of 1. |
Deaths |
49 |
The number of times the player died. |
Drop |
50 |
The number of items the drop key was pressed. |
EatCakeSlice |
51 |
The number of cake slices eaten. |
EnchantItem |
52 |
The number of items enchanted. |
FallOneCm |
53 |
The total distance fallen. |
FillCauldron |
54 |
The number of times the player filled cauldrons with water buckets. |
FishCaught |
55 |
The number of fish caught. |
FlyOneCm |
56 |
The total distance flown. |
HorseOneCm |
57 |
The total distance travelled by horses. |
InspectDispenser |
58 |
The number of times interacted with dispensers. |
InspectDropper |
59 |
The number of times interacted with droppers. |
InspectHopper |
60 |
The number of times interacted with hoppers. |
InteractWithAnvil |
61 |
The number of times interacted with anvils. |
InteractWithBeacon |
62 |
The number of times interacted with beacons. |
InteractWithBlastFurnace |
63 |
The number of times interacted with Blast Furnaces. |
InteractWithBrewingstand |
64 |
The number of times interacted with brewing stands. |
InteractWithCampfire |
65 |
The number of times interacted with campfires. |
InteractWithCartographyTable |
66 |
The number of times interacted with cartography tables. |
InteractWithCraftingTable |
67 |
The number of times interacted with crafting tables. |
InteractWithFurnace |
68 |
The number of times interacted with furnaces. |
InteractWithGrindstone |
69 |
The number of times interacted with grindstones. |
InteractWithLectern |
70 |
The number of times interacted with lecterns. |
InteractWithLoom |
71 |
The number of times interacted with looms. |
InteractWithSmithingTable |
72 |
The number of times interacted with smithing tables. |
InteractWithSmoker |
73 |
The number of times interacted with smokers. |
InteractWithStonecutter |
74 |
The number of times interacted with stonecutters. |
Jump |
75 |
The number of jumps performed. |
JunkFished |
107 |
The amount of junk fished. |
LeaveGame |
76 |
The number of times disconnected from the server. |
MinecartOneCm |
77 |
The total distance travelled by minecarts. |
MobKills |
78 |
The number of mobs the player killed. |
OpenBarrel |
79 |
The number of times the player has opened a barrel. |
OpenChest |
80 |
The number of times the player opened chests. |
OpenEnderchest |
81 |
The number of times the player opened ender chests. |
OpenShulkerBox |
82 |
The number of times the player has opened a shulker box. |
PigOneCm |
83 |
The total distance travelled by pigs via saddles. |
PlayNoteblock |
84 |
The number of note blocks hit. |
PlayOneMinute |
85 |
The total time played. |
PlayRecord |
86 |
The number of music discs played on a jukebox. |
PlayerKills |
87 |
The number of players the player directly killed. |
PotFlower |
88 |
The number of plants potted into flower pots. |
RaidTrigger |
89 |
The number of times the player has triggered a raid. |
RaidWin |
90 |
The number of times the player has won a raid. |
SleepInBed |
91 |
The number of times the player has slept in a bed. |
SneakTime |
92 |
The time the player has held down the sneak button. |
SprintOneCm |
93 |
The total distance sprinted. |
StriderOneCm |
94 |
The total distance travelled by striders via saddles. |
SwimOneCm |
95 |
The total distance swum. |
TalkedToVillager |
96 |
The number of times interacted with villagers (opened the trading GUI). |
TargetHit |
97 |
The number of times the player has shot a target block. |
TimeSinceDeath |
98 |
The time since the player's last death. |
TimeSinceRest |
99 |
The time since the player's last rest. This is used to spawn phantoms. |
TradedWithVillager |
100 |
The number of times traded with villagers. |
TreasureFished |
108 |
The number of treasures fished. |
TriggerTrappedChest |
101 |
The number of times the player opened trapped chests. |
TuneNoteblock |
102 |
The number of times interacted with note blocks. |
UseCauldron |
103 |
The number of times the player took water from cauldrons with glass bottles. |
WalkOnWaterOneCm |
104 |
The distance covered while bobbing up and down over water. |
WalkOneCm |
105 |
The total distance walked. |
WalkUnderWaterOneCm |
106 |
The total distance walked underwater. |